The Name Game

Blog Introspection Challenge


2.) The significance of your blog’s name


I’d like to think that any self-respecting Armitage fan knows exactly what my blog name refers to but I realize not everyone loves Harry Kennedy



so I will elaborate: In The Vicar of Dibley- The Handsome Stranger, Geraldine spots Harry strolling along on a leisurely walk through the village. she runs (and does some impressive acrobatics) to head him off at the pass and acts like she just happened to run into him. When she asks him where he’s going he replies, ” I was just going on a little stroll to…nowhere in particular” to which she answers, that was exactly where she was heading. And a blog name was born.



I planned to build my blog around the concept of wandering through the fandom and sharing my “fan path”, the particular order that I discovered things about Richard in. I have always loved paths: walking along them



 viewing pictures of them




the idea that each experience is a journey that should be valued for the process and not the end result. 



I really liked the thought of metaphorically meeting Richard and strolling along with him as we traversed the fandom together. my blog is random in the sense that I don’t often post about current events or focus on any one character or project but just kind of flit about where’er the wind takes me, whether that’s to new places or revisiting ones I’ve been before. 



I didn’t come up with that concept right away though. when I decided to sit down and think of blog names, I was relying more on words or phrases that started with the letter “A” so that I could pair it with Armitage. things like Accentuation





the jeans have always been my downfall
the jeans




loud and enthusiastic approval
loud and enthusiastic approval


I was fond of A la Mode as well, because of Richard’s whole “chocolate ice cream” remark

treat others as you would want to be treated. and lots of chocolate ice cream
your recipe for life? chocolate ice cream. treat others as you would want to be treated. and lots of chocolate ice cream


but none of those titles made a connection with me, until I happened to be watching The Handsome Stranger again and the “Nowhere in Particular” line stood out to me.

with looong legs...
on long long legs…


what are some Richard related names or phrases that you think would be good blog names?