Love Day

Tomorrow (May 9th) is my 2 year anniversary for this blog. time flies when you’re having fun! knowing that my anniversary was approaching, I wanted to do something special to celebrate. I was tossing around ideas today, in order to post tomorrow for the actual day, when I unexpectedly fell into a Love Day.

The term “Love Day” is one I stole from an old fan-fiction but basically it’s when you suddenly feel very schmoopy towards your loved one and your heart just wants to burst with the lovey-dovey feelings. so the “something special” is coming to you a day early. it’s nothing extravagant, just a simple slide-show with some of my favorite pics of Richard. as always, I’m including background music. it’s a song that has always held personal meaning to me in relation to Richard, it’s kind of like my RA theme song.

(the link will take you to the song on YouTube, in a separate window, so you can play it in the background while viewing the slideshow here. there’s a quiet point in the song when you think it’s over, but it’s not, so just keep looking at Richard…)

We Must Be Crazy– Milow (unplugged version)


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17 thoughts on “Love Day

  1. Love the concept of Love Day to celebrate the anniversary of your blog and to highlight the simple joy of admiring this special man! Looking forward to what you will share in the coming year. Congratulations, Kelly😊❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your blogiversary and happy Love Day! I have a feeling that the smile on my face is a very schmoopy one – thank you for the lovely slide show and music. 🙂


  3. Congrats on the anniversary! Sorry meant to say this over weekend but needed the love-day feeling today more 🙂 Thanks for spreading the schmoopy feeling 🙂 wallowing in it just now and the pics are nice, there were quite a few i hadn’t seen before and i really like your choices 🙂


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