Delight in Disorder

While it’s true that I do love a sharp dressed man, it’s the realness found in a bit of disheveledness that is most irresistible to me. I claim to have no fashion sense, which is true to a certain extent, but I generally do know what is socially acceptable; I just ignore it 😉

It’s understandable then, why the Robert Herrick poem Delight in Disorder, is a favorite:

A sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantonness;

say it with me: w-a-n-t-o-n-n-e-s-s

A lawn about the shoulders thrown into a fine distraction;

blue is always a fine distraction, IMO

An erring lace, which here and there enthralls the crimson stomacher;

the tie laces through the collar & the eye is drawn to the stomach area *pats self on back for finding a connection*

A cuff neglectful, and thereby ribbons to flow confusedly;

a too-long cuff confuses the outfit. don’t dismiss the shoes, there’s a whimsical kind of anarchy about them.

A winning wave, deserving note in the tempestuous petticoat;

raised arms could possibly show the midriff; work w/me people, this poem is about a woman!

A careless shoe-string, in whose tie I see a wild civility;

loosely tied boots. finally, an easy one!

Do more bewitch me, than when art is too precise in every part.

I love these trousers and I won’t apologize for it.

–yes, I know disheveledness is not a word but if Richard can weigh himself down with multiple strappy bags, I can use made up words 😀

that was a flimsy excuse just to post this pic