Think It Through, Armitage!

Today is Richard’s birthday.

Instead of waxing lyrical about him

O my Luve’s like a red, red rose

I think it’s time to start another blogging challenge!

*cue trumpets and fanfare*

So you know how I like to modify already existing blogging challenges to fit my needs, right? Well, my friend just started the 365 day Music Challenge…I am NOT going to blog for 365 days straight! *yikes* but I did start answering the questions just for fun. I only made it to #66 before I gave up.

I lacked the proper motivation

Since I always say that everything comes back to Richard, I’m going to adapt those questions for a new RA Challenge. A very random RA Challenge that very loosely resembles the original questions but I’ll also answer the music questions too because: why not? At the beginning my interpretations stayed normal enough without repeating questions that I’ve done in other Challenges (what is this now, number 3? 4? I think I may be a Challenge whore *blushes*) but the further along it went the more slap-happy I became. I hope you’ll stick around and join me for the madness.


Music & More Challenge

1.) a favorite recent interview

Can I just say how much I am enjoying Richard and Max doing promos together? There’s an easy camaraderie between them that is nice to see. Although having teenage sons seems to be rubbing off on Richard’s posture. Sit up straight! Square those shoulders! (that was said in my Dad’s voice, in case you didn’t recognize it).

I like how both Richard and Max seem to be in awe of Sarah’s weather knowledge in preparation for her role as Allison. They even go so far as to suggest that she’s the real hero of the story. interesting.

smart is the new sexy

Richard seems to be at ease in this interview, smirking at Max while he’s talking, using a multitude of hand gestures himself (was that supposed to be a shark?), and making up more words (“found-footish” sounds legit to me. but then so does “strategery”, so maybe I’m not the best judge). I liked when he referred to Donnie and Trey as his boys too, it made me feel all gooey.

RA Into the Storm Final Scene
here’s a story of a man named Gary, who was alienating 2 boys of his own…

and the surprise Richard exhibits when he finds out Weta worked on some of the special effects in the movie was cute too. As was the red-telephone-box-bit. Think it through, Armitage! totally sounds like something that would come out of my mouth. I may just have to steal it.

and now the Music part of the Challenge

your favorite song today: Haunted by Sinead O’Conner & Shane MacGowan


he’s kind of shy

but that’s the kind of girl I am,

he’s my kind of guy

Thrillers Are Supposed to Be Thrilling

Into the Storm: I liked it. That was a relief! because I had started seeing some ho-hum reviews all of a sudden. I was also getting a wee bit nervous because I thought it might scare me too much. I was anxious during the movie, for sure (my muscles were all tight when we walked out of the cinema!) but I wasn’t scared. much.
tornado blows through school hallway
instead of sitting in uncomfortable positions for eternities during tornado drills, just show this scene instead. mission accomplished!


The biggest surprise for me? That the movie had tons of character and not just special effects (like some of the reviews were claiming). I liked that there were several different human stories going on at the same time. It helped break things up and not let the overall storyline get bogged down in too much drama, yet there was enough that we were able to get to know the characters and care about them. Gary and Donnie pulled at my heart strings not only because I’ve been there done that (as the teenager)
Donnie and his movie camera
I feel a secondary crush forming, watch out Max…
but also because I now have a teenager. Trey kind of annoyed me but as his story developed I liked the outcome, as well as Donnie’s. I wanted to be part of that family hug in the rain because I had grown to care about each of them and see things from their individual perspectives. 
Trey and Donnie talk outside of the school
every parent’s fear: that the Fresh Prince was actually singing about them
As for the tornadoes, I thought it was all done realistically. I’ve heard mumblings about the tornadoes conveniently giving people time to move from one scene to another, but that’s how it really is. When I had my tornado scare, the storm was there… and then it wasn’t. It got really quiet afterwards and it was like everything shifted back to normal. I could hear the drizzling rain and the beeping of the garbage truck, when just moments before it was all wind and hail and treetops kissing the ground. 
Gary finds a dog in the rubble
the cats are still hiding. just saying.
That’s one of the aspects I really liked about the movie, that everyone wasn’t running around with a clear intent of what they were supposed to be doing. because there is that lull when you’re like what do I do now? So when a tornado is close and we want to scream at the characters to “run, take cover!” I think it’s entirely realistic that they don’t do that straight away. Even though it’s scary, bad weather is mesmerizing. Real life isn’t like the movies, you aren’t always able to think clearly and do the right thing.
Gary and Allison watch tornado touchdown
Lori, will you never learn? Don’t Look Back!
I’m not saying there weren’t any problems with the movie but only two things really bothered me. 1.) the church scene was lame. I understand the need for that confrontation, that the boss was getting too wrapped up in things and ended up pushing the young cameraman farther than he wanted to go, but the acting in that scene could use some work. 
cameraman Jeremy Sumpter
I do believe in tornadoes. I do! I do!
2.) the Titus came equipped with everything to withstand a tornado, yet it didn’t have an axe for cutting away fallen trees or debris? One of the first things you grab for bad weather clean up is an axe or chainsaw. Not a complaint really, just an observation. 
armored Titus
The Titus: Batman’s “everyday” car.
So yes, I’d watch this again. and again. and possibly some more, because Gary was everything I wanted him to be and Donnie found a way into my heart rather quickly. Plus, it was fun to watch! I think the naysayers are forgetting about the fun part. Thrillers are supposed to be thrilling, not Shakespeare.
wide tornado covers large area
to flee or not to flee: that is the question


Oh! and hey people-who-choose-the-movie-trailers: just because I like action thrillers does not mean I automatically like horror films. The psycho dolls and Ouija boards scared the bejesus outta me!
Trey looks shocked as he films tornado
scarier than Neville and Nora combined!