Totes McGotes!

this week in review, but like that funny Sprint commercial with James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell…

Richard is a total Hottie McHotterson!


Ave!  He’s amazeballs!


He’s like the hottest Hottie  that ever hottied!


He’s like a hottie times infinity, plus another infinity!


And his smile is totes adorbs!


Totes McGotes!


It’s cray cray adorbs!


Totes McGotes.


pure silliness, I know, but my brain is dead after this past week!

19 thoughts on “Totes McGotes!

  1. Can I “like” this more than once? 😀 Totes McGotes? WTH?? LOL! Yes he is “adorbs”! And a hottie, indeed!! Love Valentina’s vids of his Waterstone appearance! He looks so relaxed and HANDSOME!! And funny. AND adorbs. 😀


    1. I’m just glad you find my goofiness pleasing! I seriously love that commercial. every time it comes on tv I bust out laughing; probably b/c I know it’s real, people online really do talk like that…and Richard really is totes adorbs 😀


          1. Ha! That is funny, and in the best of ways. There is some internet-speak that I wish I had never heard, myself. 😉 Internet “Squeeing Fangirl” really is a different language.


  2. That campaign is hysterical. The fact that they are acknowledging the new trend in fangirl “internet/chat/tweet-speak” says volumes. And here I thought “adorbs” was just a Tumblr thing. Silly me. Great post, funny as hell, and so very true indeed. And…”I’d so tap that.”


    1. the first one I saw was the facebook one, where JEJ says he’s sent so-and-so a friend request and then MM’s voice is like the facebook notifications saying “you are now friends”, but then one of the friend requests isn’t answered and JEJ just has this gutted look on his face 😆 I’m very picky about who I accept on facebook- people who I didn’t even know in High School, relatives that I haven’t seen since I was 12… so I found that one particularly funny. then I saw this one and it just slays me, every single time!


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