He’s Worth It

I finally did it. I now have a picture of Richard Armitage as my laptop background image. Most of you are probably thinking, “WTF? I have Richard’s picture on every device I own. and I even add him to my friend’s devices when they’re not looking”. What can I say? I’m a late bloomer.

that's for putting your smirking mug on my phone!
that’s for putting your smirking mug on my phone!


I don’t buy a lot of movie merchandise or display it much. Having Pop! Thorin on my mantle is so out of the ordinary for me, it makes me laugh each time that I see it! So I’ve resisted the (very strong) urge to have Richard as my background image for quite awhile. My husband occasionally uses my computer and teases me for whatever is on it. That’s not exactly true, he doesn’t use my computer he fixes it. I’ve always been jinxed when it comes to electronics, computers especially. If something is going to go wrong with any of the countless media devices in our household, odds are that it will be mine.

me every.single.day.
me every.single.day.


Normally I have nature images as my background but recently I’ve had a pic of Jamie Fraser in period costume. It’s a compromise of sorts since there’s a nice bit of natural Scotland in there as well. I can get by with a picture like this with little to no teasing because it’s of a fictional character. The fact that it’s not historically accurate though has been bothering me.

no Tree Farms in 18th century Scotland, afaik
no Timber Farms in 18th century Scotland, afaik


I do have a picture of Richard on my keychain (that my kids tease me about), as well as a Crucible poster on my wall….in the laundry room. But the background image on a device that I use every day is a little different. I need to feel connected to it. When I ran across this image of Richard a few weeks ago, I found myself going back to it again and again. It comforts me for some reason, makes me feel good, lighter somehow. And that’s a feeling I’ll endure teasing to keep.



* my computer suddenly turned off for no discernible reason while writing this post…


What’s What

My husband was watching a DVR’d episode of “Agents of Shield” recently and I decided to watch along. Most of the time I only half pay attention, usually occupying myself with something near by within hearing distance- it gets confusing trying to follow who is good, then bad, then good again. I know enough to be able to follow the storyline though so I wasn’t totally lost. At one point in the program I noticed these guys in a picture that was hanging on the wall:



I perked up and said, “hey, those guys are from the first movie!” (Captain America: the first Avenger) to which my husband backed up the program to see if I was right (18 years of marriage and he still doubts me. when is he going to learn?) Then the characters in the show started talking about fighting Hydra and how they were going to take them down even if it might seem like a never ending battle. to which I said…

-say it with me-

Cut off one head…two more shall take it’s place.

Hail Hydra!


Then I felt all proud of my geeky self. see, I know what’s what! (thanks Richard!)

this is what, and then some…


Here We Go Again

Music & More Challenge

35.) movie/episode you’ve watched twice in one sitting

Take a wild guess on that one…

The Vicar of Dibley: the handsome stranger
The Vicar of Dibley: the handsome stranger

I get distracted and so I go back to watch a second time for the actual story. things I get distracted by:


the stripey sweater and the way Harry says “well, there you go”


that whole “hint of softness underneath” bit


that cute little barrette in Geraldine’s hair


the glasses


the configuration of those cottages


how cute and stylish Rosie is


everything about the dream sequence


how the awkwardness clashes with that wallpaper


the way Harry clasps his hands while kissing Geraldine


I get distracted by much more but that’s enough for now!

music question:  a song you listen to twice in a row

Sort Of by Ingrid Michaelson

the lyrics always end up distracting me from the song as a whole. they are apt for me in many ways.


And if I was stronger then I would tell you no
if I was stronger then I would leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again

so I come back and listen to the song a second time because it really is a nice sounding song all on it’s own.


Unconditionally and Irrevocably

Once Upon a Time I didn’t know who Richard Armitage was.

hard to fathom, I know
hard to fathom, I know


Then a friend posted this pic on our forum:


I’d like to say the clouds opened up and glittering rays of sunlight suddenly filled my world…but they didn’t.

I think I misheard you
I think I misheard you


Not to be deterred she then posted shots of Mr.Thornton and waxed lyrical about the cravat. 

or, rather, lack thereof
or lack thereof


I browsed happily but still no heralding trumpets were heard.

surely this cannot be?
surely this cannot be?


Then I saw this Richard Armitage fellow for myself in The Hobbit and something stirred.

tell me about this stirring
oh, did it now?


I was finally ready to take my friend seriously.

it's about damn time!
it’s about damn time!


Who is this guy? 

your density
your density


What else has he been in?

things that will bring you hours of entertainment


What should I watch next? 

it's not what you should watch, but what you should listen to
or listen to


She suggested The Vicar of Dibley: The Handsome Stranger



…and my life has never been the same.



Today is that friend’s birthday and I’d like to thank her for sharing her crush with me. It’s changed my life irrevocably ❤
