
Alphabet Movie challenge: day 25

Your latest Richard Armitage related obsession

Answer: Leather Jackets


I’ve never really gotten excited about leather. I like it but only have one leather coat that I hardly ever wear. I bought it in High School, so it’s a bit out of style 😕


My casual attitude towards leather may be my parent’s fault.

(everything is my parent’s fault 😛 )

They both ride motorcycles, so leather is a must for them. Even before that though, my mom had an affinity for leather coats. I remember being young and going into stores that sold leather jackets, crinkling up my nose at the smell… I know, right? kids are so weird 😀


Lately though, I’ve been giving leather jackets much more attention.

Maybe I should buy one for myself?


(non-Armitage answer: Les Miserables)