
Alphabet Movie challenge: day 25

Your latest Richard Armitage related obsession

Answer: Leather Jackets


I’ve never really gotten excited about leather. I like it but only have one leather coat that I hardly ever wear. I bought it in High School, so it’s a bit out of style 😕


My casual attitude towards leather may be my parent’s fault.

(everything is my parent’s fault 😛 )

They both ride motorcycles, so leather is a must for them. Even before that though, my mom had an affinity for leather coats. I remember being young and going into stores that sold leather jackets, crinkling up my nose at the smell… I know, right? kids are so weird 😀


Lately though, I’ve been giving leather jackets much more attention.

Maybe I should buy one for myself?


(non-Armitage answer: Les Miserables)

Let’s Get Personal

PS gold sweater reflection
private eyes they’re watching you, they see your every move

As I continued down my Armitage path, I veered off into the print interviews. I had read those from the North & South era, and so slowly I started to venture into Robin Hood and Spooks territory. Then I came upon the Daily Mail Weekend Magazine articles from 2006(parts one & two). The article gave me a lot of personal information about Richard Armitage, maybe even too much. I later learned that Richard wasn’t aware that the whole conversation would be used for the interview, he thought they were off-the-record through much of it.

interview equipment
what are these lights for? is that a camera?

When the specifics of his past and present love lives were being discussed, I was literally peeking out from behind my hands pleading “stop talking!

Lee hotel room invitation gif
me, tell anyone? never

Seeing him talk so candidly gave me huge insights into his personal character. It helped me piece things together and gave me a sense of his mindset in relation to his career moves and how he was being affected and influenced. but it also felt too familiar.

Lucas and Ros fluffy hat
you want to feel that fluffy hat, where? T-M-I !!

I am someone who is ruled by curiosity, and so I’ve found (by trial & error) that it’s better for me to draw a line in my fangirling that distinguishes between acquaintance and stranger: I don’t actually know Richard Armitage, no matter how many personal deductions I’ve made about him from the available public information, and what that may lead me to believe.

bearded fresh from the shower fan pic
is he fresh & clean as a whistle?

I can easily fall into the trap of obsessing over the personal lives of the public personalities I follow. because of this, I try not to remember the specific names of the educational establishments they have attended, or the order of their various professional projects versus the actual release dates, and the numbered year that coincides with a particular hairstyle or clothing choice, etc. because when I’ve done those things in the past, they’ve ended up consuming me. that doesn’t mean I can’t still hone in on things with a fangirl’s eagle eye, just that I try to focus on the bigger picture now.

like when Richard says things that I find myself connecting with:

“I was told that I had an aloofness about me, and that really bothered me. Because it wasn’t aloofness, it was shyness. It made me realize that what was going on inside of me wasn’t being reflected on the outside.”

PS leaning against bars

or can sympathize with:

“I’ve been this height since I was 14, so I know what it is to feel like a little boy when people are looking to you for strength.

PS metal garage door

or can agree with and learn from:

“I have a very strict moral code. I do believe- whether or not it’s God- that there’s somebody watching me and hoping I can be the best person I can, and that when I stray he’s displeased.”

PS blue t-shirt

I just need to avoid plugging these tidbits into timelines or marking off a checklist. an approach that is more casual will prolong the enjoyment for me; if I run straight down the path, learning all there is to know in one trip, I’ll get to the end…and then what?

Porter on phone
lost again? do I need to get you a compass?

but if I wander, backtrack, make loops, and take plenty of time to admire the scenery, I never have to make it to the end if I don’t want to. I want the obsession to last this time without burning out. so I wander, with no particular destination.

Harry "promise of freshness beneath"
Nowhere in Particular? that’s exactly where I’m heading!

*I am not dismissing anyone who does map out a timeline or keep track of clothes and the like, I benefit from your efforts immensely! I just need to avoid doing that myself with this celebrity crush, because it’s not healthy for me in the long run.